The unbridled consumption of finite natural resources and attendant consequences is endangering the survival of the very human species and the planet earth at large. Failure of conventional leadership to arrest the collective plunge into the vortex of assured self-annihilation is leading research to explore new frontiers in organisational and individual leadership.

Western Thought

Till the 19th century the Western scientific and philosophical fields progressed on parallel tracks which precluded any meeting point between the physical and the metaphysical world. However certain seminal findings in the West during the course of the 20th century influenced a revision in this long held view.

Nikola Tesla, led the changing outlook with his famous assertion, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

The path breaking discovery of Kirlian effect principle in Russia in 1930s opened up the vista of aura photography, the electrical field surrounding the body of a living organism. This opened up to the Western world whole new possibilities for conjointly progressing the physical and metaphysical development of mankind.

It was closely followed by the ‘Observer Effect’ experiment in the field of quantum theory, which established a relationship between an observer and observed reality. This finding of conscious mind affecting the reality, suddenly brought the Western scientific and philosophical fields in an uncomfortable but tantalisingly close contact.


Ancient Indian Philosophy

Ancient India or Bharat is the oldest civilisation the world has known, with thousands of years old rich cultural, scientific and social heritage. Bharat has always held the belief that the energy field vibrations generated by living organisms are interlinked with the world at large. They therefore held the world to be an interconnected whole, ‘Vasudev Kutumbakam’, the world is one.

The metaphysical belief of Bharat extended beyond the conventional understanding of modern science to cognize that cerebral thoughts impact the physical realm. Through yogic kriyas and deep meditation techniques they engaged the cerebral mind to explore the metaphysical and tap the hidden solar plexus consciousness and the inexhaustible source of energy therein.

In Bharat the socio-cultural moorings sought to temper human materialistic yearnings with a higher purpose of life through pursuit of Dharma, Artha, Kama, & Moksha.


Synthesis in Western and Indian Thoughts

The 20th century developments in the West, which narrowed the understanding between the metaphysical and scientific world, prompted a rethink of their stance which hithertofore had dismissed ancient Indian knowledge as abounding in myth.

The mainstreaming of the verifiable truths of traditional Indian metaphysical beliefs has led to a synthesis in the Western and Indian philosophical thought process in the 21st century, leading to emergence of new literature in the field of individual and organisational development.

Otto Scharmer’s “Theory U” about the process of letting-go and letting-come; “Multiple Intelligence” by Howard Gardner on the growth and developments of new minds to control varied intelligences; “Presence” by Peter Senge, C Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski, Betty Sue Flowers, which explores the phenomenon of achieving deepest levels of perception by individuals and organisations to sense and actualize new realities that are seeking to emerge.

These are some of the seminal works published in the relatively uncharted territory in current management research and understanding of leadership in general, which are coming close to the long held Indian values.

This enhanced understanding of the influence of metaphysical dimensions on matter has resulted in theoretical acceptance in the ‘developed countries’ of a linked physical and metaphysical world. This has created space for Leaders and organisation with enhanced self and environment awareness beyond cognitive senses.




The Medical Science

The Brain emanates oscillating electrical currents, measured in cycles per second

Delta Waves – 1 to 3 Hz

Theta Waves – 4 to 7 Hz

Alpha Waves – 8 to 13 Hz

Beta Waves – 14 to 35 Hz

Gamma Waves – above 35 Hz

Alpha waves are deemed to be the most favourable for extra sensory perception activities, and are generally generated through yoga, meditation and breath control techniques. To develop the sixth sense there is a need to attain and thereafter retain these waves for prolonged duration, even during working hours. Constant practice, discipline and passion to accomplish the desired mission is the key.


Metaphysical Science

The human intellect is guided by two primary instincts, the Base Intellect guided by materialistic yearnings, and the Higher Intellect driving altruistic propensity. Generally the base intellect is the predominant instinct. The Higher Intellect controls and strengthens the Emotional and Social Quotients, is essential for success as a Leader, and needs a conscious effort over a period of time to develop.


Yogic Science

Like the physical body is served with oxygen through a fine network of arteries and veins, so is the esoteric body served with astral energy, known as Prana, through a complex of 72,000 nadis (nerves). It is this flow of Prana, coupled with yogic control techniques that energises the nadi chakras leading to heightened sixth sense awareness.




The Sixth Sense Leader has to possess a highly developed awareness of what needs to be done, how it needs to be done, when it needs to be done, simultaneously anticipating the needs of the human resource involved on the task, and continuously visualising the anticipated outcome.

For successful employment of sixth sense the Leader needs to work on the Higher Intellect plane. This does not preclude the Leader from seeking material gains, for that is the ultimate aim of any business. However, the Leader needs to weigh the anticipated gains against likely social and environment degradation.

Similarly, the Leader needs to be steeped in definable values and ethics, which in turn act as the Sixth Sense Pillar. This Pillar will be the fulcrum enabling the Leader to leverage gains beyond cognitive reasoning, and to attain the status of a Karma Yogi.



The Sixth Sense Leader, a true Karma Yogi, empowers self to develop:-

Vision to create rather than await opportunity, by tapping dimensional awareness of the future.

Analysing and risk acceptance capability, through capacity to subtly induce change in energy fields impacting the mission.

Simultaneity in action, using enhanced awareness to synergise available effort.

Sense to delegate, consequently nurturing subordinates in leadership role.

Response to change, by Leader intervention through sensing.


Value to the Organisation

The overall material impact of the Sixth Sense Leader lies in economising on consumption of energy and resources, enhancing productivity, speeding up the turnaround cycle, and yet harmonising and balancing the future needs.

The true value of the Sixth Sense Leader to the organisation transcends beyond quantifiable terms from…

Smoothening internal frictions, which divert vital organisational energy on unproductive tasks.

Foreseeing external bottlenecks, ensuring productive employment of organisational resource.

Sensing and meeting team needs, resulting in enhanced productivity.

Attracting and holding talent, positively impacting the quality of deliverables.

Establishing market presence, strengthening and retaining customer base.



Leader intervention through sensing is the key to the practice of discerning & evaluation of opportunity, seizing & holding the initiative, delegating responsibility to free the leader to sense, respond and intervene where required.

The Sixth Sense Pillar of the Leader leads and anchors the whole development.





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